Monday, April 20, 2009

Jumping off ledges...

I haven't really had time to post because I'm spending all my time prepping for the job that hasn't been posted yet but that I desperately want. That means a new CV, new letter of interest AND finishing the projects for that department that I've already been charged with. It makes me think back to when Colleen blogged about her change in career and how exciting and nerve-wracking it was. Wish me luck!
I'm afraid I don't have much else to blog about. Am I jinxing it by even mentioning it here? Should I knock on wood? Cross my fingers? Throw some salt over my shoulder? Or do those only prevent bad luck and there's no way to undo a jinx?
Oh, my. What have I done?

1 comment:

  1. GOOD LUCK!! I just threw caution to the wind and applied for my job. I did not hold my breath or put a whole lot of stock in getting it, but just knew that if it was meant to be it would happen. (that is probably the worst constructed sentence ever. sorry, English teacher)

    The dress looks great on Pumpkin, by the way. What a perfect fit!
