Monday, September 8, 2008

Late is Better Than Never

So Stephen and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on Tuesday, September 2. A school day. A LONG school day as Nikki had volleyball until almost 10. I'm beginning to think there is no other kind of day BUT a long one.

Anyway, after a long weekend of debate tournaments at Naaman Forest and then softball tournaments at Hurst along with Nik's first date to the movies with her new beau (yep, the other one didn't last...something about his being too clingy), Stephen and I decided to get all spiffed up and have our anniversary dinner.

Oh, please. The best we could do is a wonderful dinner at Mi Cocina followed by a tanning session because our money was almost used up in that account (yep, bad for you but a burn in Mexico would have been worse) and finally, dessert at those .99 jr. banana splits.

These pictures should have been taken before, but no. He was in the car with the motor running so they are after when I'm on my sugar high. My body just doesn't know what to do with the real thing anymore.


  1. Yay! She's alive! Looks like Stephen was super thrilled to make it on the blog :) I need a catch up session whenever you have time. So much to tell you, and from your post, soooo much I need more ifno on.

  2. Woohoo! A post! Yall are so cute. To be honest, the low key night alone sounds like just what you two needed. And a new boy already? You are in trouble.

  3. Oh where O where has my Monica gone? Oh where O where can she be?

    I wrote that song just for you :)

  4. Monica:
    There has been yet another change with one of my blogs. M's new address is

    The reason is that I realized I was using our last name in the actual address and there was too much of chance that some sick perv could track down M. So, I changed it to where our last name is no longer involved in the address.

