Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't Break My Pumpkin's Heart

What have those boys done to my Pumpkin?

After that last breakup, she is so sad. Not so much about thte boy specifically, but more of the hurt in general.

So, what does this have to do with me? Have you ever heard the phrase, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?" I propose that even if that is the case, "hell" would have nothing on that woman's mother.

I would do anything to protect Pumpkin from hurt of any kind, but is that what is best for her? How will she ever learn to problem solve or what she really wants in life if she doesn't experience any pain?

That's a tough one for me.

So, here's to Pumpkin. Good luck to all you guys out there trying your best to woo her. First you have to put up with her and then you have to put up with me.

That'll teach you.

1 comment:

  1. you forgot the part about your cajun upbringning...that takes the wrath to a whole nother level!!!
